Friday, May 18, 2012

Summer Goals ♥

So of course I am going to have some goals for summer. Tell me if you agree, I feel Summer is to relax and have fun but yet, to better your self ! I am in high school and during the summer you are suppose to kinda change for the better. Some people dye their hair, get a tan but for me I do more than that. I improve my looks and my way of life. So this is my post about my Summer Goals, let me know your Summer Goals in the comments below !

Summer  Goals  ♥
  • Loose weight
  • Get a tan
  • Re-do room
  • Get a job
  • Possibly dye hair


  1. I agree, especially the part about bettering oneself. To do that, I plan on getting a car and (finally) getting my driver's license. For relaxing/having fun, I hope to spend some time soaking up the sun.

  2. I still do that too! I start with my goal list already before summer and i review it daily...just to get the right mindset when i'm finally free from school and work! Good luck with your goals!!
